Divorce Stoppers
With Denver Griffin
Get in touch with us at info@new.com
About Denver Griffin
When a marriage is good or "okay", 99% of people will just be okay with it as is.
When a marriage is breaking down, you don't know how to get through to each other and you find yourselves bickering or one puts up the wall and the other can get through, that's when you are in trouble.
I truly understand this feeling because I have experienced 2 times.
My 1st marriage of 22 years failed but I "almost" saved it.
Fast forward into my second marriage over 10 years now as I'm writing this, everything was PERFECT until it wasn't.
I went through an illness that affected my health, my businesses, my income, and ultimately my attitude, my outlook on life and my MARRIAGE.
We started bickering, I was unhappy with my life where it was and I took it out on the closest person to me. (my beautiful wife).
My ungratefulness and bad attitude towards her led to me getting back what I was dishing out and this led to a separation and a divorce getting Filed.
I became a dilligent student of marriage (again) and read over 120 books and studied countless topics all over the worlds on how to attract a spouse back who doesn't want to stay married.
It's was very important to me that it was all real because I didin't want to hurt or manipulate anyone in my life ever again especially the person I loved the most my wife.
I tried getting help from a program in TN but was turned away because my wife and I had helped COUPLES have better marriages when (both) wanted to keep the marriage, but we still had a website for that so that marriage program didn't want to help me.
For over 6 months I took extensive notes of what worked and what didn't to reunite the friendship, the trust, and ultimately the intimacy and sexual passion in a way that was real and lasting.
Our marriage was restored and we agreed to advance what we both had learned from my transformation which lead her to transform and also transform our marriage and lives, we both had hearts to close our other businesses and take this to the world with servant hearts.
We have 6 Children and about to have grandchild number 7.
We are both so super thankful that we are leaving a legacy of successful marriage to our children, grandchildren and now our clients!
My wife and I are both Christians but this program isn't a Christian only program. We have a heart to help all people of all faiths and do not shove our beliefs down anyones throat.
We also believe that even God want's us ALL to do our part, not to use Him as a crutch (we see this a lot). But it's out of despair when we don't know what else to do. I get it!
I've know what it feels like, the pain and suffering you feel when your marriage is failing first-hand.
I've personally experienced the wall being up, the loneliness, hopelessness and even depression while facing an unwanted separation or divorce.
I know those feelings of lingering doom and gloom from the fact that one large area of your life is failing and the 1st thought every morning upon waking of is this really happening to me, not feeling in control of my own future and that hopelessness.
I remember the constant feeling of overwhelming frustration of not knowing what to do, constantly being misunderstood, the arguments that made me feel like checking out.
I know you want to fix this, but you dont' know where to start, right?
Well, I get it. Because that was me. I want to tell you that no matter how convoluted and complex your problems may seem to you RIGHT NOW, they are fixable.
I want you to know that there is hope.
I am Denver and I have dedicated my life's work to guiding people from the worst possible situations to quickly understand and regain control of their lives, then equip them with the knowledge, wisdom and understanding to walk into new leadership and be in control of their own future again, to have hope again, to be desired and loved and by designing the most fulfilling, passionate and effortless relationships they can imagine.
Working on your marriage is ALWAYS exactly what WILL NOT WORK!
If you're ready to believe ( IF IT IS TO BE, IT'S UP TO ME), then lets talk because we can help YOU!
If you want to learn more about how you can begin regaining control of your life and turning your relationship around, check out my free masterclass below:
Free Masterclass